Monday, August 10, 2009

Two Poems in Anon

Delayed by other doings this summer, only now am I mentioning that two of my poems, "Fragment from Zeno" and "Heart," appear in Issue 6 of Anon, a Scottish poetry journal that draws its name from an anonymous submissions process designed to reduce the amount of logrolling, backscratching and all-around cronyism in the poetry world. Poets' identities are known to the editors only after their work is accepted.

Launched July 9 at the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh, Issue 6 will also be featured in an August 16 event at Edinburgh's West Port Book Festival, which will overlap with several days of the world-famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I won't be attending, alas, but I will be anxiously awaiting word of how the festivities go.

A sample of the issue, including "Heart," is available here, and an audio file of "Fragment from Zeno" read by Ishbel McFarlane can be found here.


Christopher Pimental said...

As usual, cool doings, JD. Keep ascending, brother.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of Anon, though I try to keep a list of literary journals, and now I'm SMITten. I love the concept. Congratulations, JD.

J.D. Smith said...

Chris: Thank you very much. There will be another publication notice, also belated, in the days ahead.

Robin: Good to hear from you. Anon reminds me of the love of art that is or should be at the core of everything else we do in poetry.